
Car Insurance Claim Submission Procedures That Are Easy To Understand

Car Insurance Claim Submission Procedures that are easy to understand. A claim is an attempt by the policyholder to ask for compensation from an insurance company due to an accident or theft of the insured car. What is the procedure for filing claims that must be made by the policy holder?

Contact an insurance company
If your car has an accident or stolen, the first thing you have to do is to contact the insurance company within 3 x 24 hours (via telephone, SMS, via email, or directly to the company). This is to avoid rejection of your car insurance claim because the reason passes from a predetermined period of time.

Provide photo evidence
When you have an accident and the car can still walk, you should take the car to one of the insurance company's partner workshops. If your car is severely damaged, you should take a photo or document it first. This photo will be proof that it really did have an accident.

Filling in form
You also have to fill out a form provided by the insurance company. This form is one of the completeness documents for the success of your claim.

Provide clear information
The next thing you have to do is provide information about the series of events in the insurance company in truth. This will be the insurance company's consideration whether your claim is rejected (because it provides fictitious information) or is accepted (because it provides reasonable information).

Prepare documents
You must also complete the documents offered by insurance companies. The documents are as follows:

Accident document
claim Claim form that has been filled. The new claim process will be carried out by the insurance company, if the policy holder has completed the claim form completely.
Photocopy of car insurance policy. This document is to prove that he really is a customer of the insurance company. In addition, to find out whether the premium has been paid according to the agreement or not.

Photocopy of SIM. This document is to know whether or not he has been permitted by the police to drive a car. Photocopy of STNK. This is also a proof of the car or not. Certificate from the police. This document is also considered by the company to provide compensation or not.


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