
Used Car Insurance, Important or Not?

Used Car Insurance, Important or Not? Deciding to use a used car insurance service is not as easy as buying a new car insurance. Although both offer protection, used and new car insurance is different in many ways. New car insurance consists of all-risk or comprehensive and total loss only or TLO. While used car insurance usually only has one type, namely total loss only. However, this depends on the brand and age of the car and the policies of the insurance provider. All-risk car insurance is insurance that covers all damage to the loss of the car. So, for example if there is just a little beret, the car can be repaired using an insurance claim. Whereas TLO car insurance only covers the risk of loss to the car. Damage is also borne, but only if the percentage reaches 75 percent or the car can no longer be driven normally.

All-risk car insurance is generally available for used cars under the age of 10 years. Because, this is related to the availability of spare parts. The older the car, the spare parts will be increasingly scarce. So, when a used car is insured using an all-risk type, there is a risk that insurance companies will have difficulty finding parts when a claim occurs. Even if there is, the price might be very expensive. Unlike the TLO car insurance, the risk is more easily financed by insurance. That's why used car insurance is more directed at TLO rather than all-risk. The purpose of using insurance is to provide protection for the insured object. Car insurance is useful as an anticipatory step if something unexpected happens in the future, such as damage and loss.

Costs arising from a used car that is damaged or lost can make you spend deeply. This is what can be prevented through car insurance. Only by paying a claim fee of hundreds of thousands of rupiahs, losses of up to millions of rupiahs can be replaced using insurance. Driving comfort is needed to avoid accidents. Insurance can be one factor that gives a sense of comfort. Because there is insurance, anxiety or worry about the car being lost when parked can be further minimized. But that does not mean you can act recklessly when there is car insurance. Caution must still be given priority in driving activities so as not to fall into trouble.


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